10 Things of Thankful #6

I can’t believe another week is over, and that, once again, my list of Thankfuls is due 🙂

I’ve been thinking all week about what I should list, and I came to the conclusion that, this week, it will all have to do with my ability to read, as this is something that has been so important in my life that, at various low points in my life, it has kept me sane 🙂

So, this is my 10 things of thankful:

  1. I’m thankful that, due to being born with multiple health problems, my mum taught me to read at a very early age. I was reading junior level books as I first began infant school and, although this set me apart from the other children, as I was already a loner, and a total bookworm, this never bothered me, and gave me the chance to keep on reading in every spare minute I had during school, which I loved! J
  1. I’m thankful that, due to my ability to read so well, I was chosen to read to the class whenever our teacher had to leave us – I still have very fond memories of sitting perched on a cushion at my teacher’s desk, and reading Hansel and Gretel to the class J
  1. I’m thankful for the wonderful schooling system I grew up with, as it gave me a firm grounding in all the subjects I needed to fire my imagination J
  1. I’m also so very thankful for the brilliant English teachers I had throughout my school life, as they encouraged me to express that imagination, and taught me the value of learning as much as I could, about everything I could. My Senior English Teacher, one Mr Cyril Smith, gave me the encouragement to try my wings at writing, and helped me to build up the skills needed for this.
  1. I’m thankful for the centuries upon centuries of amazing literature and poetry that is available to me, especially now in our age of the internet.
  1. I’m thankful for the countless authors and poets whose words gave me a springboard to my imagination, and whose example has kept me going, no matter what J
  1. I’m thankful for the opportunity I was given, so long after leaving school, to continue on with my interrupted education, so that I was able to study part-time for 6 years, in order to get my much-wanted degree J
  1. I’m thankful to my darling husband and daughter, who encouraged me, and supported me in everything I did while I worked toward my goal, and who were the first ones to congratulate me for the effort I’d expended in reaching it.
  1. I’m especially thankful to my husband for nursing me so tenderly, and willingly, when my health took such a nosedive, after the strain of studying with so many things wrong with me took it toll.

  1. I’m so very thankful that my all-time favourite book, the Bible, was written, so that I could learn the Word of God, and use it to aid and sustain me through all the bad times – and that it was there for me, throughout my life, to help me, and teach me the ways in which I can give thanks to God for all the many good times I’ve had in my life J

Ten Things of Thankful


Filed under TToT

10 responses to “10 Things of Thankful #6

  1. A truly heartfelt and beautiful list of gratitude! Reading is as important to me as breathing, books have been my friends, my window to the world, my source of comfort and my inspiration. It's nice to read about someone who loves them that much too! It sounds like you made an amazing effort to continue your education, and you did it… something you will always have to remind yourself that you CAN! Yes indeed, how very richly God has blessed us!


  2. Wonderful list! I really enjoyed the image of you on the stool, reading to the class when the teacher stepped out.
    I was an early reader, too, and haven't put books down since then.
    The one thing I get all worked up about is when parents worry so much about teaching their kids HOW to read, they forget to teach their kids to WANT to read. They take all the fun out of reading, and the kid turns away from it. I've scolded more than one person for doing it. (A few readers may not be surprised about this. cough Lizzi cough)
    I am so, so glad all six of my kids love reading. It's something they will appreciate their entire lives.


  3. Reading is a major gateway to learning.

    To add to number 10: not only am I thankful the Bible was written, I'm thankful for the invention of the printing press, which allowed the Bible to be in the homes of everyday people.


  4. I feel sorry for people who don't enjoy reading.

    Hope you stay as healthy as you can be this week!


  5. I so agree with the love of reading being probably the single greatest gift to a child (not simply to read but to love to read)… everything (for a clark) follows from that… there is a way of relating to this virtual world that is somewhat akin (in my view) to reading.

    having the support of family and friends can often be the difference between surviving and thriving!

    will get back later….


  6. What a fun list. 🙂 I am a book addict and even worked in a bookstore for 3 years (before I started teaching).
    Thank you for sharing and may many happy, healthy days be ahead of you. 🙂


  7. I join you in your thanks for poetry and literature! Thanks for sharing!


  8. Considering, too love to read, this list couldn't get much better if you tried. I struggled at first, but with my mom's help that is when my reading took off and soared. So,I could very much relate to that part here, because my mom was the one that really got me into reading and helped me so also. Thanks for sharing and hoping you are have a great weekend now!!


  9. quite possibly my favorite list… books ….brilliant! Besides Skip they are my favorite things in life! I am in such agreement with you there! I have my parents old copy of the Bible that I had repaired ( after so many kids it had many torn and used sheets ) and restored for their 50th anniversary… it is the most beautiful book with onion paper and classical paintings for illustrations….They had received it for their wedding.


  10. A list of Ten Things of Books – could it get any better? I love the way you describe your relationship with books, and the image of you perched on your teacher's desk, reading to the class, is a gorgeous one.

    Congratulations on getting your degree. Sounds like you had quite the challenge getting there, but kudos on the perseverence to achieve it. That must've felt awesome.

    I have a foundation degree and feel bad about it because I'm an academic snob and want a full one.


    I'm so glad I have the internet to connect me with such people as yourself and all the other wonderful people here, and to provide me with a platform to write and read and have so much fun with words.

    I totally know what you mean about the awesomeness of book heritage. I get chills reading Homer, to think that throughout two thousand years, people have read these words and felt the same way at his prose as I do. It's mind-blowing.

    I don't read enough of your #10. I need to.


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