Category Archives: Rupert Murdoch

The Slow Death of a British Institution.

I’ve just been reading one of my favourite Blogs Katyboo1’s Weblog and, once again, I’ve had to agree with her thoughts about Murdoch, the BBC, and the Bake-Off Brand.

Murdoch, as Kate says, owns the company, that owns the company, that owns the rights to the programme, and he has made sure that he’s priced it out of the BBC’s pocket. He seems to be trying his best to take over anything that the BBC has made popular, which is downright disgusting!

Like Kate, I’m not much of a TV watcher, and most of that is down to the fact that, apart from my constant illness, one by one, my favourite programmes are disappearing from the BBC and, occasionally, reappearing on other channels – channels that I refuse to watch because of adverts every 5 minutes!

I really think the License fee, charged by the BBC, is well worth the cost, purely for that fact alone, let alone for the years of constant, amazing, programmes I’ve been privileged to watch – programmes that could, and did, reach every level of society, and affected me in one way or another throughout my life.

I loved it that I could watch Shakespeare one day, then a game show the next, and I’m really beginning to mourn the many wonderful programmes that have been taken from us, purely because of cost-cutting!

And, yes, I do think the BBC have become too right-wing politically; and it infuriates me that I see mass protests all over the UK being shown on the internet, with barely a word spoken about them on the BBC news – but I put the blame for that squarely on the shoulders of those in the government who are in charge of licensing TV studios, and those politicians who have been paid off by people like Murdoch, to make sure that we are fed only what they want us to see!

Without the BBC, I will watch no TV at all, and it’s disappearance will truly be the slippery slope to total rubbish being shown 24/7 on our TV screens  – with absolutely no reprieve – and that would be a chronic shame for a company that brought so much excitement, drama, education, and sheer fun and laughter to my home as I grew up.


Filed under BBC, Media, Memories, Politics, Programmes, Rupert Murdoch, The Great British Bake-off, TV