10 Things To Be Thankful For :)

I’ve just found another blog, called ‘A Fly on our (Chicken Coop) Wall’, and Christine, it’s writer, is doing a ’10 things to be thankful for’ thing.

She asks on her blog that everyone join in, and so, as it’s been far too long since I did anything like this, I decided to join in 🙂

Ten Things of Thankful
So, my 10 things to be thankful for are:

1.   For Jehovah God, who helps to sustain me when I can’t do it on my own anymore, and for the love He bears for me.
2.   For my husband, who is a loving, kind, and very humble man, who is so very generous of his time to everyone he meets.
3.   For my daughter, who was my gift from God, when I’d been told I’d never have children – and she’s given me such joy over the last almost 29 years, that I am amazed 🙂
4.   For what health is left to me. Although I struggle, I know there are people a lot worse than me, having to cope in situations I doubt that I could cope with.
5.   For my family & friends, who help to keep me grounded when my life starts spinning apart.
6.   For my pets, who give unconditional love, no matter how ghastly I’m feeling.
7.   For the slightly cooler weather, and the rain that’s still falling as I type, so that hubby doesn’t have to water the garden today.
8.   For all the beauty around me, where I can take my soul’s ease, as I marvel at all God has created for us.
9.   For the gift of reading, as I delight in the written word more than anything.
10. For the chance to discover ever more fun things to crochet!

There are plenty of other things I could write, but I’ll stop at this 10, for now 🙂


Filed under TToT

11 responses to “10 Things To Be Thankful For :)

  1. What a great list to link up with us this week! A good spouse is a blessing every single day. And from this and your other posts I read, it seems your daughter is a wonderful girl leading a fascinating life.
    It sounds as if you are living life to the fullest, surrounded by good people to help you through your difficult days.
    I am quite impressed with your crocheting! The lion blew me away. I didn't know people could crochet things like that.
    Books and reading rank right up there for me, too.
    And I agree, God is number one on any thankful list.
    Thank you for linking up with us!


  2. What a great list! You have many things to be thankful for!

    Thank you for linking up with us!


  3. Brilliant. I think you'll like it, Katy. We've managed (somehow, with a dose of luck and great involvement along the way) to create a gorgeous community feel with this hop, so feel totally free to jump in and out of everyone's posts, leave comments and start conversations.

    It's so fun, so friendly, and so nice to think that you'll be part of it ongoingly 🙂


  4. Thank you for your welcome ladies – there, see? Yet another reason to be thankful for something 🙂
    I have so many reasons, I'll be glad to post once a week with a new ist 🙂


  5. The love and support from God is humbling and sometimes overwhelming to me. The hard things are easier to bear knowing He is with us.
    A husband such as yours is a blessing indeed.
    I have gone through some of your other posts, and it looks like your daughter is a very interesting, talented young woman. (I enjoyed the photos she took.)
    I am always impressed with the things people create with their hands. That lion you made for your daughter is fantastic! I have no idea how to crochet or knit or any other useful craft. I have done plenty of cross-stitch, but that doesn't really count as productive in my book.

    Thank you so much for linking up with us this week!


  6. Welcome to the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop (sometimes referred to as the TTofT…lol)

    this is a rather unique bloghop…not in the theme, the gratitude lists are very helpful, satisfying and such, it is more (for me) the idea of it, by virtue of being a 2 day affair, allows more a 'conversation' to grow among the participants.

    I totally identify with your Item #6 ! We have always had a dog in the family and they are simply amazing… always glad to see you, simple pleasures, never hold a grudge… I should be half as good as they.

    see you around the hop.


  7. Welcome to the blog hop! You wrote a fantastic list. So glad you found A Fly on our Chicken Coop Wall–it's one of my favorite blogs.

    Hope you can join in again next week!


  8. Wonderful list! I love the Thankful link-up because it's a great reminder to count my blessings.


  9. So glad you decided to participate in 10 Things of Thankful! Isn't it a blessing that you had to make yourself stop at 10?


  10. What a beautiful initial list of blessings for Ten Things of Thankful! I agree with you right down the line and find those things are a wonderful part of my life too! It sounds like you do indeed have so much good in your life and you see it and appreciate it! I'll be looking forward to seeing what you add next week! 🙂


  11. Hello Katy, and welcome to our little hop of Thankful – thank you for linking up with us – it's always a delight to see new people join in and bring their lovely lists to share.

    I have to say, yours is a smashing list – several things on there resonated with me. The books, for one, the lovely husband and the conception issues. I am thoroughly pleased to make your acquaintance and thrilled you decided to join in 🙂


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