When Will the Tories & Labour Stop Attacking The Disabled/Chronically Ill?


Considering the detestable ways that the DWP use, to get as many people off of Benefits as possible, I’m really hoping that all of those whose PIP has now been removed, will fight to get it back again, as NOT having PIP, with Universal Credit, will make it impossible for them to get the protection they need, against being forced to work, when they literally CAN’T – which will mean that the DWP can take away what little money they have left to survive on, in punishment!

The DWP has a propensity to say things that aren’t really as they claim, when looking into people’s Disability Benefit Claims, so I’m sure there are MANY people who’ve been deprived of PIP, when they shouldn’t have been!

Considering the fact that each Claimant has to fill in a Ream of paperwork, in the form of a Questionnaire, where the Claimant has to describe – in minute detail – their health problems, & how they cope, or not, with their daily lives.

They also have to supply copious amounts of Medical evidence, from Doctors & Consultants, as to the Disability/ Chronic Illness that is forcing them to be unable to work.

It would be hard-to-impossible, to deliberately commit fraud, by lying about said illnesses/ disabilities when having to provide all of this evidence – & this includes having to give the DWP all of your Bank Details which, especially now, they’ll be able to check on, in detail!

Nowadays, Doctors are very wise as to any false claimants, & you need to provide SO much evidence, that it is a vanishingly small chance of being able to deliberately commit fraud, & lie about your problems.

The Tories, the DWP, & Labour under Blair – & now Starmer -have been at war with the Disabled/Chronically Ill, for decades now – ever since that evil 💩 Blair, started a war against US, to distract from his Illegal War against Iraq!

Blair may have made some decent reforms while PM, but it was under HIS premiership, that the war against the Disabled/Chronically Ill was truly started! 😡

Successive governments have simply followed in his shoes, finding those who have nobody to champion them, as convenient scapegoats, & to cover up their OWN deceits!

They ALL keep saying the same lies as Blair, then Gordon Brown, did, with the Tories eagerly making things ever worse for those who can’t work – a real crime in their eyes! 😡

They make the lives of those with nothing SO unbearable, that far too many give up, & decide to take their own lives, rather than to be made homeless, & starve to death.

While so many more are leading lives we wouldn’t want our worst enemies to suffer with, as the DWP take away their only means to exist, the vast majority of them on totally unjust claims – & so the DWP force the Claimants to go through the whole thing once again; fighting for a Justice that doesn’t seem to happen for the poor & needy!

All of this, though, is so that the powerful in government, can point to the sheeple, & tell them that WE are an “enemy within”, so they don’t catch on to the beggaring of the UK, by those very same people in power! 😡

Our whole Benefits System has been twisted & distorted, purely to make it as difficult as possible to claim Benefits in the first place!

The Questionnaire the Claimant has to fill in, alone, is so full of questions that make no sense to the Claimant, as if they are trying to catch them out in a lie, & is laid out so badly, that they can only give the briefest of responses, being unable to answer it clearly, & in great detail.

Fortunately enough, many have been told that, as long as you put your full name, & NI No., on each extra page, plus numbering the pages themselves, then write down which page number, & question number, you are actually answering, it’s then okay to send those extra pages, with the full answers you want to write out.

f you worry about this, then phone the DWP, & ask their permission, or ask for guidelines about this.

But, sending off that questionnaire isn’t the last of it, as, so often, even when your forms & evidences – & they’ll only accept original documents – are sent recorded delivery, to the proper DWP Office for your area, the whole thing can still mysteriously disappear, especially when the only evedence that it was received at the DWP office, will be a squiggle that nobody can read, instead of a name, title of office, or readable signature!

This happens FAR too much, for it to be a coincidence! 😡

Which means, of course, that the Claimant has to ask, once again, for the form, then fill it in, with all the extra pain, stress, humiliation, & sheer bloody exhaustion, that this caused with the original one – along with the injustice of having all that hard work, & the effort you couldn’t afford to waste, on top of that!

Of course, along with the Questionnaire , you’ll also need to replace all of your original Medical Evidence, from their Doctors, Consultants, etc., once again!

If this happens to you, photocopy every single piece of evidence you have, then keep the originals, and send the photocopies, with a note of explanation, with your form or, if you can get to your local Jobcentre, get THEM to copy, & sign, the photocopies, to be sent with the form!

The Claimant then has to hope that, this time, when they send that package that cost so much time, effort, energy, blood, sweat, & tears, that the documents sent, once again, don’t disappear within the DWP offices (or rubbish bins/paper shredders)! 😡

If that doesn’t work to put you off claiming, & you are actually awarded PIP, they’ll keep on either giving you just a couple of years award, so you have to keep claiming it – far too often for someone as ill as you are – or they’ll keep stopping your claim under dubious circumstances, making you fight to get your Claim back again, after it’s been stopped for the 2nd or 3rd, or even 4th time, for no particular reason that makes any sense to you, or your loved ones. Or, for reasons that aren’t even obvious, but are so labyrinthine, so slow, so stressful, so humiliating, that many don’t have the energy – or the time, when dealing with a disease that will end their lives far too early – to continue to fight.

So, those with some support from family may be able to survive on their Charity, while fighting these unjust stoppages, but those who have NOBODY, fall down into the chasms of the Social Services system, never to be seen, or heard from, again. 😡

Successive governments have turned our Benefits System into a weapon – one so destructive to the people they’re supposed to help, that FAR too many in need give up.

But, all of this, is so that the powerful can ostensibly keep punishing those who have nothing, in order to show the sheeple that only THEY are able to stop the invisible, but presumably massive, Fraud they keep on insisting is happening – normally as loudly as possible, & on every RW Media platform they have, to say that they’re only making things harder, to stop all the fraud that we’re ALL supposed to be committing! 😡

In the meantime, even MORE of our Public Funds are then available for THEM to use on a pet project, that just happens to be run by family, friends, or Donors to their Party! 😡

We REALLY need a change of Government, here in the UK – hopefully, to a Party OTHER than Tory or Labour, who are twins of each other – & we need MUCH more protection for the poor, the needy, the unemployed, the vulnerable, & ESPECIALLY the Disabled/Chronically Ill, who always seem to bear the brunt of each governments’ failures! 😡

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Filed under Benefits, Changes, Chronic Ill Health, Conservatives, Deprivation, Disability, Disability Issues, DWP, DWP Policies, Fit-to-work Assessments, Government, Health Issues, Homelessness, Hunger, Ideology, Illness, Impoverishment, Labour, MP's, Parliament, PIP, Politics, Right-wing Media, Sanctions, skewed presentation of events, Smear Campaign, Starvation, Suicide, Tories, Tory Cuts, Tory Government, Tory Lies, UK Government, Universal Credit, WCA, Welfare Cuts